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MC Presentation Night ´24

MC Waterpolo

We had a great turn out for our Annual Presentation Night on the 5th May. It was great to showcase the previous seasons. These awards were based on the Summer season finishing or juniors in Dec ´23 and for seniors in March ´24.

Junior Awards

U14 Girls MC Rays

Most Valuable Players -Abi Jelbart & Eli Degenhardt

Best Team Spirit             -Georgie Hayhurst

Most Improved -Millie Jelbart & Bonnie Stammers

U14 Girls MC Dolphins

U14 Boys Mc Otters

U14 MC Seals

U14 MC / Geelong

U16 Youth Girls MC/Geelong

U16 Youth Boys Orcas

U18 Girls MC/Geelong

U18 Boys Manta Rays

Most Valuable Player -Lucas Heffernan

Best Team Spirit



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