With week 2 of the WPV Development program taking place on Wednesday the 7th of February, this is the last chance for participants to join coach Elih Mutsch and the team for Term 1.
Taking place at MSAC on Wednesday mornings, the Development program enables Water Polo Victoria to provide athletes (11+) a space to continue to build their foundational Water Polo skills and develop their understanding of the game from our coaching team. As well as being a fun and social environment, this program provides the first steps toward athletes being better prepared to join the Academy program in future years or participating in the 2024 13&U Development series in Tasmania.
For any interested athletes, make sure to complete the EOI and come down to MSAC (Wednesday) morning for Week 2 of the Development program!
WPV Team
If need any extra help, contact devon@mcwaterpolo.com